There is a lesson to be learned in the song, from My Fair Lady: "Don't talk of love, show me." To NeoSSPX, show us you mean what you say, because you de facto came within a hair's breath of having the people's churches handed over to sodomite bishops and their allies; were it not for Bishop Williamson, you would have.
Here is the righteous test: ask for leadership's removal from positions of authority for:
1. Bad judgment,
2. Hubris and endangerment of the Faith,
3. Disinforming the laity,
4. Scapegoating,
5. Lack of charity,
6. Weakening the SSPX as conceived by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre,
7. Withholding information from fellow bishops and priests,
8. Subtly changing the mission of allied associations such as the Angelus Press without apprising all clergy and laity of the intent of changes,
9. Reckless expenditures of capital [expensive ad agency],
10. Adopting pro New Mass stances encouraged by leadership and announced by younger priests i.e., the New Mass is, "valid," without addressing reliability and illicitousness,
11. Misrepresentations, mis-characterizations,
12. Failure of duty of fair representation,
13. Covering-up activities that should have been made known to priests under leadership's care,
14. Unfair treatment of targeted, appropriately concerned parishioners,
15. Scandalously making reckless public pronouncements in the name of Archbishop Lefebvre that cannot be substantiated,
16. Departing from the primary mission of defending the Faith in favor of collaboration with enemies of the faith,
17. Mistreatment and mis-characterization of a Bishop of SSPX and the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church,
18. Attempts to censor the words of deceased Archbishop Lefebvre,
19. Abuse of power,
20. Mis-allocation of funds for legal action (interference) with the Lefebvre family's right to publish the Archbishop's words,
21. Departure from transparency to calculated obfuscation.
Given that I am out of the loop, I am sure there is more that escaped my scrutiny.