The Saints and Our Children
A fresh account of the lives of some of the most popular Saints in the history of the Church--plus, the lessons to be derived from them. Written to help parents inspire love for the Faith in their children through examples from the lives of the Saints, it is also one of the best Lives of the Saints we have seen, and as such is great reading for all, especially because of the lessons it teaches. Extremely thought-provoking. Impr. 215 pgs, PB
The Miraculous Medal
"Sister, it couldn't have happened!" declared the priest. "It was all a dream, like the other time." But Sister Catherine was sure she had truly seen Our Lady. And then Our Lady came again! Would the priest ever believe her--and would he ever have the Medals made, as Our Lady has asked? Here are the answers and the wonderful story of what happened when the Blessed Virgin Mary came to St. Catherine Laboure.
The Children Of Fatima
"What if nothing happens on the 13th? Aren't you afraid people will laugh at you?" asked the parish priest as he looked closely at 10-year-old Lucia. "Oh no, Father!" replied Lucia. "I know something wonderful is going to happen on the 13th. The Lady told us so." This book tells what happened and gives the wonderful story of Our Lady's appearances to little Jacinta, Francisco and Lucia. Impr. 162 pgs 15 Illus, PB
St. Benedict
The famous life and great miracles of St. Benedict, for all children 10 and up. The story of poisoned wine, saving a body from drowning, raising one from the dead, plus, how he founded the Benedictine Order, his sister, St. Scholastica, etc. Impr. 158 pgs 19 Illus, PB
St. Catherine of Siena
The story for children 10 and up of St. Catherine of Siena, the young woman who brought the Pope back to Rome from France and converted thousands of people. Impr. 65 pgs 13 Illus, PB
St. Dominic
The incredible story for children 10 and up of the man who received the Rosary from Our Lady, defeated the Albigensian Heresy, raised the dead, triumphed over the devil, founded the Dominican Order and worked countless miracles. Impr. 156 pgs 19 Illus, PB
St. Francis Solano
The captivating story & many adventures of St. Francis Solano for children 10 and up: his converting the slaves on a sinking ship & 9,000 Indians with one sermon, healing the sick, finding a spring in the desert, etc. Impr. 205 pgs 19 Illus, PB
St. Hyacinth of Poland
The story for children 10 and up of St. Hyacinth, the Dominican who planted the Faith in Poland, Lithuania and Russia and worked many miracles. He went to Rome, where he met St. Dominic, and was one of the first to receive at his hands the habit of the newly established Order of Friars Preachers. After his novitiate he made his religious profession, and was made superior of the little band of missionaries sent to Poland to preach. Impr. 189 pgs 16 Illus, PB
St. John Masias
A religious brother buffeted by the devil, who prophesied the future, worked miracles, levitated, held the Christ Child, had miraculous travels, was a wonder of charity, and liberated a million souls from Purgatory. Impr. 156 pgs 14 Illus, PB
St. Louis De Montfort
Though written for children 12 and older, this is also the best biography for adults of St. Louis De Montfort, the "Apostle of Mary," famous preacher and author of True Devotion to Mary and The Secret of the Rosary. Truly inspiring! Impr. 211 pgs 20 Illus, PB
St. Margaret Mary
The story for children ten and up of the revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to a holy French nun, including the Great First Friday Promise, her painful childhood, troubles in the convent, St. Claude, the apparitions and her many penances. Impr. 224 pgs 21 Illus, PB
St. Martin De Porres
The story for children 10 and up of St. Martin de Porres, who helped heal people, spoke to the animals and worked many unusual miracles. A fantastic story of a South American saint, whose example in helping others is truly inspiring. Impr. 122 pgs 16 Illus, PB
St. Paul The Apostle
For children ten and up. The many inspiring perils and adventures of St. Paul - all endured to bring the Gospel to heathen nations. A truly great inspiration to both children and adults. Impr. 231 pgs 23 Illus, PB
St. Rose of Lima
The story for children 10 and up of St. Rose of Lima, who became a hermit in her own home--rather than go to a convent--and how she became a great Saint. At her confirmation in 1597, she took the name of Rose, because, when an infant, her face had been seen transformed by a mystical rose. As a child she was remarkable for a great reverence, and pronounced love, for all things relating to God. Impr. 132 pgs 13 Illus, PB
St. Thomas Aquinas
Shows how St. Thomas was big, quiet and slow to speak, thus being called the "Dumb Ox" by fellow students. Shows for children 10 and up how this "Dumb Ox" became the greatest teacher in the history of the Church. Impr. 81 pgs 16 Illus, PB
The Little Flower
The story of St. Therese, for children 10 and up, and of her "Little Way of Spiritual Childhood," whereby she would say "yes" to whatever Our Lord asked of her, and how she thereby became a great Saint. Impr. 167 pgs 24 Illus, PB