September 21, 2013
Feast of St. Matthew
Feast of St. Matthew
Your Excellency, Bishop Fellay and Society of St. Pius X Superiors,
In the face of a Pope in the Chair of St. Peter, wielding the sledge-hammer like a second Goliath, dismantling and smashing what is left of the Traditional Teachings of Christ and His Mass, your silence has become alarming and has become a cooperation in extinguishing the Catholic Religion and His True Adoration from the face of the earth.
The “children” of the Society of St. Pius X have cried out for 40 years in this last hour, led by the most child-like Archbishop Lefebvre, who loved and defended his Father’s honor. The time has come for the “stones” of the street; the most unworthy, unglamorous, despised and the “off-scouring of the world” to cry out. Those of the SSPX Resistance can no longer be silent in the face of the present leadership of the Society, shamefully silent at the most necessary hour! All our letters, appeals, filial rebukes have been returned with silences, monitions and expulsions.
All of us who were alive under our saintly Founder, Abp. Lefebvre, remember his letters to the priests and faithful, his sermons crying out against the abominations of the Ecumenical Assisi Meeting, the Pope’s scandals against the True Faith and Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True God! All of us remember hearing these, like a beacon of light in the darkness of the modern apostasy. A voice of the fearless Good Shepherd roaring out, like a second David or Samson, to protect the flock of Christ from the masked wolves inside. These wolves, tearing out the Faith of Tradition and ripping out the hearts of those consecrated to God, with the fatal blows of Religious Liberty, Ecumenism, Collegiality, the baneful New Mass and all the artful lies to seduce the handful of Traditional Communities into the Conciliar Church.
The catechism teaches there is a time when silence becomes gravely imprudent, reckless and even cooperates with sin and darkness. That time is now! From the SSPX pulpits, websites, magazines, articles, etc. comes a shameful silence. A silence that uses the “liberty of prudence” as a cloak for malice, a silence equivalent to those passively standing by, while their mother is defiled and violently ravaged by the very ones vowed and ordained to defend Mother Church!
The reason for this guilty silence is now known to all the world. It is expressed in the General Chapter Statement of July 14, 2012, which was the “Vatican II Revolution” within the last bastion of Catholic Tradition. In it, the Society binds itself to the six Conditions for the canonical normalization. An agreement with whom? With the Conciliar Church! The Archbishop was never silent about the Pope’s scandals and respectfully wrote to him, defied his ecumenism and sins against the Faith, before the whole world, and even resorted to drawings showing the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II being excluded from the gates of Heaven for leading the world to believe that the gods of the gentiles are not devils, as at Assisi!
Now, Pope Francis has surpassed his predecessors in scandals against the Faith by the ecumenical call for prayers for peace from all religions, celebrating the ecumenical rite in St. Peter’s; by the unheard of scandals of World Youth Day in Brazil; with the shameful dancing of bishops who, like salt that has lost its savor, have become the laughing stock of the world, worthy to be stepped on for betraying the True God. His sweeping statements on atheists, the divorced, the Sodom and Gomorrhites, clerical celibacy, etc., etc., have misled millions of souls into error and, no doubt, sins. Sins that seem “not so bad,” since according to him, even “atheists can go to Heaven,” and “who am I to judge the gays?”
Since the new policies of the Society fit the new principles of compromise, now it has lent its hands to abolishing what is left of the True Faith and Adoration of God from the face of the earth, by its shameful silence!
It is useless to pretend that the seeking a “canonical normalization,” an “agreement,” “recognition,” a “union” with Modernist Rome can be pleasing to God, before Rome’s conversion to Tradition. The six Conditions themselves, betray the clear teaching of our Founder who insisted that we never have to ask permission to preach Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ, Crucified! That we openly preach against Vatican II errors and prelates who attack the Faith, because Christ Himself gave that command to the first Pope and Bishops. Archbishop Lefebvre would shudder with horror at the thought of the Indifferentism subtly expressed in the six Conditions and would absolutely condemn the new policy of silence and expulsion of his priests who speak out, against a false union with the Conciliar Church that is aggressively wrecking the Faith and Mass of All Time.
Would he approve of your calling the New Mass “legitimate” or “legitimately promulgated” (which is the same thing)?
Would he approve of all the statements on the Council “not being the cause of errors,” Religious Liberty being “limited,” 95% of the Council acceptable, that the teachings of Vatican II “enlighten” and “deepen” Catholic Tradition?
Would the Founder approve of your signing the Doctrinal Declaration of April 15, 2012, which undermines everything he fought for to save the Faith?
Would he approve of the acceptance of the New Code of Canon Law without the clear distinctions he laid down?
Would he approve of the personal Prelature of the Society that submits to the present Roman authorities, who he called “dishonest men” seeking to remove Christ from society? Have his warnings been forgotten when he said: “With the See of Peter and posts of authority in Rome being occupied by anti-Christs, the destruction of the Kingdom of Our Lord is rapidly being carried out, even in His Mystical Body here below…That is what has brought down upon our heads persecution by the Rome of the anti-Christs. This Rome, Modern and Liberal, is carrying on its work of destruction of the Kingdom of Our Lord, as Assisi and the confirmation of the liberal theses of Vatican II on Religious Liberty prove…” (Abp. Lefebvre, Letter to Future Bishops August 29, 1987).
Would Abp. Lefebvre even recognize his Society today when its leader says: “Vatican II is no longer in people’s heads,…fewer and fewer believe it”? “We have observed a change of attitude in the Church…towards Tradition,” or “Within the Society some (like Abp. Lefebvre himself!) are making the conciliar errors into ‘super heresies’”…or “the present situation in April 2012 is quite different from that of 1988”? That, having said and signed all these ambiguous statements, compromises and decisions, none of them have yet been rejected or condemned? None of them, neither clearly nor publicly!
Would Abp. Lefebvre look favorably on the expulsion of a bishop that he himself sent as rector of the Seminary in the USA and being fully aware of his “unpopular views,” chose him personally to be one of his bishops, as well?
Your Excellency, the grave dangers against the Faith which you have placed the priests and faithful into, by accepting what you yourself condemned 11 years ago, demand a response from your subjects. The Archbishop’s words ring ever true: “It is not the subjects who form superiors, but the superiors who form the subjects.” Now that your position is clearer, as you expressed to the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, “I committed myself,…and I do intend to continue to make every effort to pursue this path in order to arrive at the necessary clarifications, clarifications for the personal Prelature to be carried out,” knowing, moreover, that Rome has not converted back to Tradition, demands the Resistance to your boldness.
Since Vatican Council II, the Popes had a right to our resistance and disobedience because of dangerous errors on the Faith, so more and more people are seeing that you force us to do the same because of your new direction, acceptance of the legitimacy of the New Mass, New Code, Vatican II in the light of Tradition, etc. This is unheard of in the history of the SSPX!
Since you are deaf to your sons’ appeals, and fail to condemn your statements and persist to punish any who warn you or the faithful, you oblige the priests of the Resistance all over the world to pick up where you left off. You oblige us to continue the work of Abp. Lefebvre which is nothing other than the work of the Catholic Church, “without bitterness and without compromises.” The words of Our Lady of Quito, Ecuador seem frightfully so true, that “the Church will be full of those who accept compromise,” when we need to be the ones to cry out, fight, combat openly the evils of Conciliar Rome, leading many souls into apostasy and to Hell-fire. The glory of Christ the King demands it! The COMMON GOOD OF THE CHURCH demands it!
For the love of your soul, your Excellency, please hold an urgent General Chapter. Condemn the new policies and compromises with Vatican II and the New Mass. Return to the stand of Abp. Lefebvre on all the points listed above, resign yourself, and let there be a true son of Abp. Lefebvre to replace you, Fr. Faure, for instance. This alone could save the Society. Otherwise, the work of Tradition will peacefully continue, if it pleases God, in the SSPX Resistance, Marian Corps.
“If the children will not cry out, the very stones in the street will cry out!”
The Faith may be compromised and betrayed by men, but the True God does not die!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, hasten Thine hour of Victory!
Sincerely in Christ the King,
Fr. David Hewko