by ServusSpiritusSancti
The Neo-SSPX nearly sold out to modernist Rome in 2012, after having been in talks with Rome since 2009. Despite not having reached a sell-out agreement with Rome, they have already sold out on their principles, having ditched the principles of their founder, Archbishop Lefebvre (while claiming they haven't), and having re-branded the SSPX to make it more appealing to the modern society.
The situation was reminiscent of what happened to Campos. The diocese of Campos, Brazil was blessed with a great Bishop, His Excellency Bishop Antonio Castro de Mayer from the 1950s to the 1980s. He was one of the few diocesan Bishops who protected his diocese from the changes made by Vatican II. He forbid the doctrinal changes of Vatican II from poisoning his flock, and allowed his priests to keep saying the Traditional Latin Mass. When his mandatory retirement age of 75 arrived in 1981, modernist Rome took the opportunity to replace him with a liberal bishop who would use force to ensure that the diocese of Campos would be liberalized. Many of the priests rallied around Bishop Castro de Mayer and much of the laity supported them, forming a "Resistance" to the conciliar church. The priests supporting Bishop Castro de Mayer were kicked out of their parishes, but the laity responded by building ten new parishes for these priests in order to keep the Catholic religion of all time.
Bishop Castro de Mayer became allies with Archbishop Lefebvre and the SSPX, and participated in the Consecrations of the four Bishops at Econe, Switzerland in 1988. He, along with the Archbishop and the SSPX, was "excommunicated". He was offered a "reconciliation" offer on his deathbed in 1991, but refused.
Following the good Bishop's death, a new Bishop, Liciano Rangel, was Consecrated by three of the Society's Bishops. He remained in charge of the Campos Resistance until his death in 2002. Before his death, however, in August of 2001, after a short period of talks with modernist Rome, Campos reached an agreement with Rome and became "regularized". Following this, the SSPX condemned the agreement and distanced itself from support of Campos. Bishop Rangel was succeeded by Bishop Rifan, who was selected by Rome because of his admission that he was not hostile to the Novus Ordo. Since then, the SSPX and Campos have been opponents just as the FSSP has opposed the Society since it split from the Society following the so-called "excommunications" in 1988.
So Campos betrayed Bishop Castro de Mayer, and its act of betrayal was severely condemned by the SSPX, including Bishop Fellay. However, has Bishop Fellay not now betrayed his own founder? Given his desire to "reconcile" with Rome, why does he remain a critic of Campos? Isn't it hypocritical of him to remain an opponent of them when he tried to do the same thing?
The FSSP is another example. The Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) was formed in 1988 after several priests broke away from the SSPX. These priests wanted to keep saying the Traditional Latin Mass, but also wanted to remain "in communion" with modernist Rome. So, with help from John Paul II, the FSSP was thus formed. Where an SSPX chapel is located, there's usually a FSSP parish nearby. That's not a coincidence either. Rome placed FSSP parishes near SSPX parishes intentionally to draw laypeople away and back into the conciliar church.
The SSPX has been preaching for years that we shouldn't attend a FSSP parish because they are "regularized" by Rome, and attendance at their parishes would imply an acceptance of their positions. What is most dangerous about groups in union with Rome such as the FSSP is their pacifism. The FSSP, because of its status with Rome, cannot criticize Vatican II, the Novus Ordo, or the conciliar hierarchy. Thus, their position is "don't condemn the evil, just seek the good". In other words, ignore the evil happening in the world and leave it to God to deal with, and just focus on the good things in life. A group "regularized" by Rome has to have such a mindset in order to ignore the disgraces occurring in Rome and to only focus on what they do right. They do not have the fighting spirit that Catholics must have, they encourage pacifism, which has never been Catholic and never will be.
The Neo-SSPX, however, has now adopted a similar mindset. Their sermons no longer are hard-hitting sermons against Vatican II and the Novus Ordo. They are now about "love, peace, charity, and obedience". They also refuse to condemn the evil, and only speak about the good now. How are they any different now than the FSSP, other than the fact that they aren't "regularized"?
So Bishop Fellay is a hypocrite. He criticizes Campos for selling out, but he desired to do the same thing and has never apologized. He still does not recommend attendance at FSSP Masses, but his priests now have the same "don't condemn the evil, just seek the good" mindset. He considers himself an opponent of those who have surrendered to Rome, but he nearly did so himself, expelled those who opposed it, and even went so far as to call a "Rosary Crusade" in 2008 for the lifting of the "excommunications" (yet left Archbishop Lefebvre and Bishop Castro de Mayer "excommunicated"). That is how desperate he was to surrender the Society to the modernists in Rome. Bishop Fellay and those who support him are now just another Campos. They have betrayed their founder and are hypocrites for condemning others while doing the same thing themselves. Those who stand by Bishop Fellay must either condemn his actions as they have condemned the actions of Campos and "regularized" groups such as the FSSP, or stop condemning the acts of those who have already sold out if they wish to support +Fellay, otherwise they are also hypocrites.
What did Fr. Pfeiffer say about Bishop Fellay and those who support him?
"...And the priests by their standing behind Bp Fellay, Fr Rostand, and the other superiors in this wickedness – I’m not talking about wickedness of action, wickedness of morals, we’re talking about wickedness of doctrine. By standing behind them in this wickedness, they are guilty. They are not innocent."
God Bless.
ServusSpiritusSancti | July 15, 2013 at 12:45 pm | Categories: Traditional Catholic Faith | URL: