When Ubald came to live as Bishop in Gubbio, he changed his way of life in no wise from that which he had led before, but his virtues began to be more eminent because his word and ensample were now more able to benefit his neighbours, to whom the shepherd of their souls was a pattern, not by outward showing only, but from his heart. He ate little, dressed simply, and slept upon a hard and very poor bed. He always bore in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, while he daily fed his soul in unceasing and earnest prayer. Hence he acquired such wonderful meekness, that when he was most grievously wronged and insulted he not only took it patiently, but, by a strange impulse of love for them, embraced his persecutors with every proof of affection.
For the space of two years before Ubald passed away from this present life, he was tried as gold in the furnace, by grievous bodily weakness, and, day after day, amid the sharpest sufferings, he never ceased patiently to give God thanks. He rested in peace on the sacred day of Pentecost, having for many years governed with great praise the Church which had been entrusted to him, and glorious for good works and miracles. Pope Celestine III numbered him with the Saints. His strength is most chiefly shewn in the casting out of evil spirits. His body hath remained without corruption for all these ages, and is reverenced greatly in his native town by Christ's faithful people. To them he hath more than once shewn himself good at need.