Sermon by St. Gregory the Pope
Dearly beloved brethren, our Lord and Saviour doth sometimes admonish us by words, and sometimes by works. Yea, his very works do themselves teach us: for that which he doth silently his example still moveth us to copy. Behold how he sendeth forth his disciples to preach by two and two: since there are two commandments to love, that is, a commandment to love God, and a commandment to love our neighbour: and where there are not two, the one, being alone, hath not whereon to do the Lord's commandment. And no man can properly be said to love himself: for love tendeth outward toward our neighbour, if it be the love whereto the Gospel doth oblige us.
Behold, the Lord sendeth forth his disciples to preach by two and two: and thus doing, he doth silently teach us that whosoever loveth not his neighbour, such an one it behoveth not to take upon him the office of a preacher. Well also is it said that he sent them before his face into every city and place whither he himself would come. The Lord followeth his preachers: first cometh preaching, and then the Lord himself cometh to the house of our mind, whither the word of exhortation hath come before: and so cometh the truth into our mind.