Being thus frustrated, the robber loudly complained; and burning with indignation against a religion which enjoined such a use of riches, he attempted a still greater theft. From him in whose possession no gold was to be found, the robber thereupon demanded the dearest of treasures, even that possession which had made the young man rich in holiness. He commanded Lawrence to deny Christ. Seeing the immoveable firmness of the Levite's soul, he made ready to assail the same with appalling tortures, of which the failure of any one was to be followed by another more fearful still. He ordered the Christian's limbs to be torn on the rack. After this he was scourged to the point of death. Then he was condemned to be slowly roasted over a fire. To this end he was laid on a gridiron, underneath which were burning coals, wherefrom the iron bars themselves became hot. Thus as the torturers with their iron forks, constantly turned and re-arranged his limbs and body, his agony was kept keener, and his sufferings made to last the longer