It can be wondered today if there are any real Catholics left among those who call themselves Catholic, because everyone finds it natural to speak of freedom of religion and the liberty of worship. Yet that cannot be conceded, because it is contrary to the dignity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. They will accuse you of being intolerant. How many Catholics think the same thing, even in our own Catholic families?
If you affirm there is only one true religion, the religion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and all the others come from the devil, that they are of the Antichrist because they deny the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, they will accuse you of being intolerant. "So, you want to go back to the Middle Ages," they will sneer. No, we only want to restore what is: Our Lord is King. The day when He comes suddenly in majesty upon the clouds of heaven they will say, "Ah, indeed, He is King; we did not believe it was possible."
Yes, Our Lord is King, and He will be the only one, there shall be none beside Him. People are not able to convince themselves of it. They are infected by liberalism, by the secularism that affects many. Our Lord Jesus Christ is no longer ascribed his true place.
His reign must be established on the earth as in heaven. It is He himself who said so in the prayer that He taught us, the Our Father: Adveniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua sicut in caelo et in terra. And this must be the object of our prayers, the intention of our sufferings, and the purpose of our life. We must have no rest until our Lord's reign is established. A Catholic whose heart is not animated by this profound desire is not a Catholic. He is not one of the faithful of our Lord Jesus Christ. It suffices to reread these lines:
Now at last in these times he has spoken to us, with a Son to speak for him; a Son, whom he has appointed to inherit all things, just as it was through him that he created this world of time (Heb. 1:2).
It is Jesus Christ, God by whom all things were created. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost are together the Creator of the world.10 It is by the Word that the Father created the world in the Holy Ghost.
It is not necessary to have recourse to apologetics or to cite exhaustively all the proofs of the divinity and the humanity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. What we need most of all for our spiritual life is to affirm our Faith and not prove it, because it reposes upon the authority of God, on the words of our Lord.
We have perhaps too much of a tendency to rationalize our Faith, to find proofs. Undoubtedly, our Faith is reasonable, and there are valid motives for believing; but we have the Faith, it is by Faith that we believe in God Our Lord, and we must affirm this Faith.
10 "Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum...per quern omniafacta sunt—And through Him all things were made" (Nicene Creed).
Extracts from The Mystery of Jesus, by Archbishop Lefebvre, Angelus Press 2000