by ServusSpiritusSancti
Today is Mother's Day, a day when we honor our mothers and show our appreciation towards them for caring for us.
It on this day that we also honor the greatest of all mothers, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was chosen by God to be the Mother of His Only Begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Undoubtedly, many Catholics on this day will honor Mary as our Mother and Queen. Unfortunately, however, not everyone will.
The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception was officially proclaimed by Pope Pius IX in 1854, in his papal bull "Ineffabilis Deus". This Dogma maintains that the Blessed Virgin Mary was without the stain of original sin from the moment of her conception. Following this proclamation by Pope Pius IX, certain people left the Catholic Church because they did not want to believe the Immaculate Conception was a Dogma and rejected Papal Infallibility. These people are known as "Old Catholics", but they really are not Catholic at all. They are Protestants who are too prideful to give the Blessed Virgin Mary the respect that she deserves.
I've encountered only one "Old Catholic". It was on the internet forum known as CatholicInfo. He had posted for a while and was eventually banned. He did not seem at all fond of Pope Pius IX, even going as far as to suggest that he was a Mason, and seemed scrupulous to speak fondly of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At one point, he even posted a sermon from Martin Luther on "what went wrong" with the Catholic Church! Thank goodness he was banned!
And we can rest assured that today, when Protestants go their heretical services, Mary will not be mentioned. It's disgraceful. They, like the "Old Catholic" that I described above, are apparently afraid to give Our Lady any honor or praise, because it comes off as "worshipping her". Nonsense!
The Protestants don't understand that giving her the honor and respect that she deserves is not "worshipping" her. St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, in his book "True Devotion to Mary" (a book, I might add, that everyone should read), talked about "scrupulous devotees"; that is, people who are afraid that by honoring the Mother (Mary) they are somehow slighting the Son (Jesus). Here is what he says, in response to such scrupulous people:
"They fear that by exalting Mary they are belittling Jesus. They cannot bear to see people giving to our Lady the praises due to her and which the Fathers of the Church have lavished upon her. It annoys them to see more people kneeling before Mary's altar than before the Blessed Sacrament, as if these acts were at variance with each other, or as if those who were praying to our Lady were not praying through her to Jesus. They do not want us to speak too often of her or to pray so often to her. Here are some of the things they say: "What is the good of all these rosaries, confraternities and exterior devotions to our Lady? There is a great deal of ignorance in all this.It is making a mockery of religion. Tell us about those who are devoted to Jesus (and they often pronounce his name without uncovering their heads). We should go directly to Jesus, since he is our sole Mediator. We must preach Jesus; that is sound devotion." There is some truth in what they say, but the inference they draw to prevent devotion to our Lady is very insidious. It is a subtle snare of the evil one under the pretext of promoting a greater good. For we never give more honour to Jesus than when we honour his Mother, and we honour her simply and solely to honour him all the more perfectly. We go to her only as a way leading to the goal we seek - Jesus, her Son." - St. Louis-Marie de Montfort
And so these prideful souls need to realize that, by honoring Mary, they honor Our Lord Jesus Christ, and by insulting Mary, they insult Our Lord Jesus Christ. I've actually seen some Protestants literally fling insults directly at Mary. It is the Jews, Protestants, and atheists who do this the most. It goes without saying that someone who blasphemes God's Saints is committing a sin, and so they would most certainly be sinning if they blaspheme His Mother. Thus, if anyone dares to do such a thing, they had better repent, or else they will most likely endure eternal damnation.
If anyone listens to the sermons of Traditional priests (and particularly Resistance priests, such as Fr. Hewko) they mention the Blessed Virgin Mary frequently, and sometimes even speak of the importance of Consecrating Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Why is this important? Because Our Lady of Fatima promised us that once Russia was Consecrated, it would convert and would spread the Faith throughout the whole world. If this Consecration was not done, she warned, Russia would instead spread its errors throughout the world. It has been nearly 100 years since Our Lady of Fatima asked for Russia to be Consecrated. It still hasn't been done. John Paul II Consecrated "the world" to her Immaculate Heart, but that isn't what she asked for, and so it wasn't legitimate.
The reign of Francis I has gotten off to a dreadful start. He does, however, claim to have a devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and has recently consecrated his papacy to her. Well, actions speak louder than words. That modernist needs to prove his devotion to Our Lady is legitimate by Consecrating Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Until Russia is Consecrated, the Judeo-Masons will continue their reign of power. Once the Consecration is performed, however, the era of peace that Our Lady promised will occur.
So let us pray for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and let us also not be afraid to give the Blessed Virgin Mary the respect that she deserves. Let us honor Our Lady as Our Mother and Queen, especially today being Mother's Day. I will conclude with one of my favorite quotes:
"A true child of the Church must have God for his Father and Mary for his mother. If he prides himself on having God for his Father, but does not give Mary the tender affection of a true child, he is an imposter and his father is the Devil." --- St. Louis de Montfort
God Bless.
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December 2014
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