At Palestrina, the birthday of the holy martyr Agapitus. Although only fifteen years of age, because he was fervent in the love of Christ, he was arrested by order of Emperor Aurelian, and scourged for a long time. Afterwards, under the prefect Antiochus, he endured more severe torments, and being delivered to the lions by the emperor's order without receiving any injury, he was finally struck with the sword, and thus merited his crown. | In Illyria, the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus, stonecutters, who, after the martyrdom of Proculus and Maximus, their employers, were subjected to many torments under the governor Licion, and plunged into a deep well. |
At Rome, on the Via Lavicana, St. Helena, mother of the religious emperor Constantine the Great, who was the first to set the example to other princes of protecting and extending the Church.
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December 2014
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