Men were held in slavery under the devil and served the demons; but they have been redeemed from that bondage. For they had been able to sell themselves, but they were not able to redeem themselves. A Redeemer came, and paid the price for them. He shed his Blood, and at that cost bought the world. Ye ask what he bought? Look what he paid, and ye shall see what he bought. Christ's Blood was the price. What is his Blood worth? What, but the whole world? What but all men? They are very unthankful for his redemption, or very proud, who say that it is only precious enough to buy the Africans, or that they themselves are so precious that it was shed only for them. Let there be an end to such conceit, and end to such vainglory. What he paid, he paid for all.
That Blood was his own, and thereby he redeemed us. Yea it was to this end that he took Flesh and Blood, namely that he might shed his Blood in order to redeem us. If thou wilt accept it, the Blood of thy Lord was given for thee. If thou wilt not accept it, it was not given for thee. For perchance thou sayest: My God had Blood, with which he redeemed me, but now since he hath suffered, he hath given it all; what hath remained to him, that he may also give any of it for me? This is a great thing, because he gave once, and he gave for all. The Blood of Christ is salvation to him that doth accept it, punishment to him that doth not accept it. Why therefore dost thou hesitate to be set free from the second death, thou who dost not wish to die? By this thou art set free, if thou art willing to take up thy Cross, and follow the Lord; for he took up his Cross and sought his servant.