The Catholic Church can truly be said to be the holiest of all churches. When we say that it is Holy, we mean: (1) that its founder, Jesus Christ, is holy (Draw Church -with name of founder);
(3) that so many thousands of its members have become saints (Draw line of saints).
No Protestant church could ever claim all these things for itself. For example, which one of the Protestant-church founders can be compared to Christ? Were any of them really holy men? What Protestant church teaches a really holy doctrine? And finally, who ever heard of a Protestant saint?

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No Protestant church claims to go back to the time of Christ. Most of these churches started directly or indirectly from Martin Luther in 1517 —but Christ's Church was existing long before that time. So if we are looking for the Church of Christ, we had better not waste time with present-day Protestant churches, which do not go back to Christ.
THIRD the Church of Christ must be
No church but the Catholic Church is ONE. When we say that it is One, we mean: (1) that it has one faith (i. e, one doctrine)—the entire doctrine or teaching of Christ (Draw cross with words); (2) that all its members all over the world are bound together as ONE BODY (Draw people and their words) ; (3 ) that all these Catholics are governed in spiritual matters by one visible head—the Pope (Draw Pope).

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FOURTH the Church of Christ must be
No church but the Catholic Church is Universal. When we say that it is Universal, we mean that as one united Church it has always existed, is to be found teaching all nations of the world, and contains all truth.
No Protestant church will ever be spread over the whole world as the Catholic Church is, because all these Protestant churches have too many divisions among their own people; they are not united like the Catholics, and they do not contain all the truths that Christ taught.
You see then that the Church which Christ wishes all to join in order to save their souls is the HOLY Church which he founded; the APOSTOLIC Church which goes back to the time of Christ; the UNITED Church which teaches all His doctrine; the UNIVERSAL Church which is spread over the entire earth.
Currently out of print, check Amazon for old copies