by ServusSpiritusSancti
In a 2011 edition of his "Eleison Comments" blog, Bishop Williamson mentioned the catastrophic tsunami in Japan that had occurred a month before, and mentioned the fact that it was not an act of God but an act of man, and then instructed people to look up "HAARP tsunami" on the internet.
When the edition of EC was posted on CatholicInfo, one poster replied with a "facepalm" emoticon and complained that it was "disturbing" to see an intelligent man such as Bishop Williamson "attach himself to SO MANY conspiracy theories".
First of all, HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is not just a "conspiracy theory". It is, by the government's own admission, REAL. It is located near Gakona, Alaska. The US government claims that it is merely an "ionospheric research project", though it is much more than that. It has been proven that HAARP has the ability to not only manipulate but even control the weather. HAARP frequently shoots "ELF" waves into the atmosphere, which can lead to the warming of the atmosphere or cause the jet stream to move. This may not sound like a big deal, but in doing this, HAARP can easily produce a tornado outbreak, influence the path of a hurricane while it is over the ocean waters, and can even produce earthquakes (and, in turn, can also produce tsunamis).
Bishop Williamson is often made fun of for being outspoken against the New World Order. Fr. Pfluger, in his 2011 letter to His Excellency, called +Williamson "idealistic" for his views on the "holocaust" and 9/11. And accordistas tend to complain that His Excellency talks about "conspiracy theories" in his sermons rather than giving spiritual sermons. I'm all for priests giving spiritual sermons, but as I have stated before, people need to be warned about what's going on whether they want to hear it or not.
The approach of Bishop Fellay and his supporters is to acknowledge the fact that there are people out there who seek the destruction of Christianity, but to them, it isn't worth worrying about, nor do they think people should "obsess" over Jews and "conspiracy theories". That, however, is not a logical approach.
A Shepard can't tell his flock to just cover their eyes and pretend the wolves aren't out there. They are out there, and they need to be warned against. Bishop Fellay doesn't want to warn against these wolves, which are the heretics in Rome and the Judeo-Masons behind the New World Order. He actually wants to sell his flock out to modernist Rome, and in turn, sell them out to the one world religion that the Judeo-Masons are behind.
Bishop Williamson is the only Catholic Bishop in the world who constantly warns people about the New World Order. Some might say "But it's a waste of time to worry about people controlling the weather or driving planes into a building when we have no control over it". But do they not understand what all of that is part of? It all is part of the New World Order's plan to destroy Christianity, to depopulate the world, and to enslave all nations. It is satan's kingdom on earth. To ignore this and to pretend it doesn't exist is absolutely absurd.
So people should not be so quick to write Bishop Williamson off as "crazy" or "idealistic" for his remarks about HAARP, 9/11, and so forth. On the contrary, they should listen to him. Afterall, Archbishop Lefebvre also understood the New World Order:
"So by way of conclusion, either we are the heirs of the Catholic Church, i.e., of Quanta Cura, of Pascendi, with all the Popes down to the Council and with the great majority of bishops prior to the Council, for the reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ and for the salvation of souls; or else we are the heirs of those who strive, even at the price at breaking with the Catholic Church and her doctrine, to acknowledge the principles of the Rights of Man, based on a veritable apostasy, in order to obtain a place as servants in the Revolutionary World Government. That is it. They will manage to get quite a good place as servants in the Revolutionary World Government because, by saying they are in favor of the Rights of Man, religious liberty, democracy and human equality, clearly they are worth being given a position as servants in the World Government." (Archbishop Lefebvre, address to his preists at Econe, 1990)
God Bless.
ServusSpiritusSancti | May 10, 2013 at 12:26 am | Categories: New World Order | URL: http://wp.me/p2MjAo-70
Thanks to ServusSpiritusSancti for the article