14 September 1980
Most Holy Father,
With the aim of dispelling any doubts which may still exist as to my attitude, I declare once more what I declared to Your Holiness in my letter of 8 March 1980, namely that I quite agree with what Your Holiness stated on 6 November 1978 concerning Vatican II: "The Council must be understood in the light of the whole of holy Tradition, and on the basis of the unvarying Magisterium of Holy Mother Church.”
In the audience which Your Holiness granted me in November 1978, Your Holiness expressed joy at the thought that there was no problem of Faith which separated us, and asked me if I was ready to sign this declaration. I have reaffirmed my readiness many times since that audience.
What explanation can there be, then, for the fact that the unjust situation in which we have been placed continues indefinitely?
May God grant that for the good of the Church and of souls Your Holiness will make a helpful decision as soon as possible.
May Your Holiness deign to allow me to express my feelings of filial respect and submission in Christo et Maria.
+ Marcel Lefebvre
Most Holy Father,
With the aim of dispelling any doubts which may still exist as to my attitude, I declare once more what I declared to Your Holiness in my letter of 8 March 1980, namely that I quite agree with what Your Holiness stated on 6 November 1978 concerning Vatican II: "The Council must be understood in the light of the whole of holy Tradition, and on the basis of the unvarying Magisterium of Holy Mother Church.”
In the audience which Your Holiness granted me in November 1978, Your Holiness expressed joy at the thought that there was no problem of Faith which separated us, and asked me if I was ready to sign this declaration. I have reaffirmed my readiness many times since that audience.
What explanation can there be, then, for the fact that the unjust situation in which we have been placed continues indefinitely?
May God grant that for the good of the Church and of souls Your Holiness will make a helpful decision as soon as possible.
May Your Holiness deign to allow me to express my feelings of filial respect and submission in Christo et Maria.
+ Marcel Lefebvre