To the Positions of the Society of St. Pius X
I, the undersigned,
recognize ..................... as Pope of the Holy Catholic Church. That is why I am ready to pray in public for him as Sovereign Pontiff. I refuse to follow him when he departs from Catholic Tradition, especially in the question of religious liberty and ecumenism, as also in the reforms which are harmful to the Church.
I grant that Masses celebrated according to the new rite are not all invalid. However, considering the bad translations of the Novus Ordo Missae, its ambiguity favoring its being interpreted in a Protestant sense, and the plurality of ways in which it can be celebrated, I recognize that the danger of invalidity is very great.
I affirm that the new rite of Mass does not, it is true, formulate any heresy in an explicit manner, but that it departs in a striking manner overall as well as in detail, from the Catholic theology of the holy Mass, and that for this reason the new rite is in itself bad.
That is why I shall never celebrate the holy Mass according to this new rite, even if I am threatened with ecclesiastical sanctions; and I shall never advise anyone in a positive manner to take an active part in such a Mass.
Finally, I admit as being legitimate the liturgical reform of John XXIII. Hence I take all the liturgical books from it to be Catholic: the Missal, the Breviary, etc.; and I bind myself to make exclusive use of them according to their calendar and rubrics, in particular for the celebration of Mass and for the recitation in common of the Breviary.
In doing this, I desire to show the obedience binding me to my superiors, as also the obedience binding me to the Roman Pontiff in all his legitimate acts.
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