Number CCXCVII (297)
23 March 2013
What confusion reigns in the Church and so in the world ! We see one after another the best of men, with perhaps the best of intentions, giving up the struggle and making the decision to resist no longer, to go with the flow, to follow the current, to do what everybody else is doing. Yet that flow remains godless, and it is condemned by God without appeal, because he does not change. No doubt he is right now appealing to the new Pope to do what is right, cost what it may.
Between 1966 and 1975 he seems to have appealed to a woman in France to get a French prelate to put in Paul VI’s own hands a series of divine messages calling for the Pope to lead massive pilgrimages of penance to the famous basilica of Vézelay (and, from 1972, to restore the Tridentine Mass). The messages are given the title of the Lenten Chant, Parce, Domine, Populo Tuo (Spare, O Lord, Thy People), They come with no official authorization but they fit Holy Week. Readers who care to read these brief extracts can judge for themselves if they ring true:--
16-X-65 : The world is on the brink of catastrophe. However, do believe that the entreaty in prayer of a few humble souls has great power over My heart.
3-III-68 : Tell the Holy Father to sing imploringly the Parce, Domine with his arms held up in the form of a cross, in front of the crowds that he is to gather together in Vézelay.
2-III-70 : If My appeal is not heeded, the waters of My wrath will drown everything. What weeping and groaning there will be at that moment, but it will be too late.
13-II-71 : Tell the priests to call for prayer and penance amidst collapsing Christendom, and to set the example themselves. Otherwise there will be massacres on French soil. If you refuse to send up to My Father cries of humble repentant prayer, you will perforce send up cries of terror. You choose !
25-III-71 : My little children, if you do not want processions of love, you will have processions of hate. These are already starting. What more do you need to believe in My appeal to you ?
28-IV-72 : If they don’t want to genuflect in front of the Blessed Sacrament, they will genuflect in the salt-mines !
10-VII-72 : If the Pope does not do what I have asked for, divine Justice will come down heavily on the world, and you will have to undergo such suffering that if you knew the details now, you would be frozen with terror.
15-VII-72 : I appeal to My faithful children. Am I to find only deserters ? If you knew, my children, what awaits you, how you would hasten to fulfil My desires. But justice will soon be done. You will cry out to Me in your terror, but it will be too late.
6-XI-72 : Were I to show you what awaits you, you would spend entire nights in prayer at My feet, to keep the terrible chastisement away.
13-VII-73 : The laity are presently the hope of the Church. Pray for your unfaithful shepherds.
2-V-75 : In the evil times coming, Christian families will have to get together and work out how to look after the needs of My faithful priests, who will have to exercise their ministry hidden from public view... It is back to the catacombs. There is no other way.
Parce, Domine.
23 March 2013
What confusion reigns in the Church and so in the world ! We see one after another the best of men, with perhaps the best of intentions, giving up the struggle and making the decision to resist no longer, to go with the flow, to follow the current, to do what everybody else is doing. Yet that flow remains godless, and it is condemned by God without appeal, because he does not change. No doubt he is right now appealing to the new Pope to do what is right, cost what it may.
Between 1966 and 1975 he seems to have appealed to a woman in France to get a French prelate to put in Paul VI’s own hands a series of divine messages calling for the Pope to lead massive pilgrimages of penance to the famous basilica of Vézelay (and, from 1972, to restore the Tridentine Mass). The messages are given the title of the Lenten Chant, Parce, Domine, Populo Tuo (Spare, O Lord, Thy People), They come with no official authorization but they fit Holy Week. Readers who care to read these brief extracts can judge for themselves if they ring true:--
16-X-65 : The world is on the brink of catastrophe. However, do believe that the entreaty in prayer of a few humble souls has great power over My heart.
3-III-68 : Tell the Holy Father to sing imploringly the Parce, Domine with his arms held up in the form of a cross, in front of the crowds that he is to gather together in Vézelay.
2-III-70 : If My appeal is not heeded, the waters of My wrath will drown everything. What weeping and groaning there will be at that moment, but it will be too late.
13-II-71 : Tell the priests to call for prayer and penance amidst collapsing Christendom, and to set the example themselves. Otherwise there will be massacres on French soil. If you refuse to send up to My Father cries of humble repentant prayer, you will perforce send up cries of terror. You choose !
25-III-71 : My little children, if you do not want processions of love, you will have processions of hate. These are already starting. What more do you need to believe in My appeal to you ?
28-IV-72 : If they don’t want to genuflect in front of the Blessed Sacrament, they will genuflect in the salt-mines !
10-VII-72 : If the Pope does not do what I have asked for, divine Justice will come down heavily on the world, and you will have to undergo such suffering that if you knew the details now, you would be frozen with terror.
15-VII-72 : I appeal to My faithful children. Am I to find only deserters ? If you knew, my children, what awaits you, how you would hasten to fulfil My desires. But justice will soon be done. You will cry out to Me in your terror, but it will be too late.
6-XI-72 : Were I to show you what awaits you, you would spend entire nights in prayer at My feet, to keep the terrible chastisement away.
13-VII-73 : The laity are presently the hope of the Church. Pray for your unfaithful shepherds.
2-V-75 : In the evil times coming, Christian families will have to get together and work out how to look after the needs of My faithful priests, who will have to exercise their ministry hidden from public view... It is back to the catacombs. There is no other way.
Parce, Domine.
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