Number CCXLV (245)
21 March 2012
In an Open Letter of March 19, addressed to Bishop Fellay and to all priests of the SSPX, you appealed to us to accept the sincere and warm-hearted offer of reconciliation that Pope Benedict XVI is making to the SSPX for the healing of the long-standing rift between Rome and the SSPX. Let one of the SSPX bishops take upon himself to give you what he thinks might have been the answer of that “great churchman”, Archbishop Lefebvre.
Your letter begins with an appeal for “every sacrifice in the name of unity”. But there can be no true Catholic unity that is not grounded in the true Catholic Faith. The great Archbishop made every sacrifice for unity in the true doctrine of the Faith. Alas, the Doctrinal Discussions of 2009-2011 proved that the doctrinal rift between the Rome of Vatican II and the SSPX is as wide as ever. But Faith sacrificed for unity would be a faithless unity.
Of course the Church is an institution both divine and human. Of course the divine element cannot fail, so of course the Church cannot ultimately fail, and the sun will rise again. But one may beg to differ when you say that the dawn is close at hand, because that true Faith which the SSPX upheld in the Discussions is not shining out from the Rome of Vatican II, where accordingly the SSPX could not be in safety. Nor could it bring light if itself it adopted the Conciliar darkness.
The sincerity of the Pope’s wish to welcome back the SSPX into “full ecclesial communion”, as shown in a series of gestures of real good will, is not in doubt, but “ a common profession of faith” between the SSPX and believers in Vatican II is not possible, unless the SSPX were to desert that Faith which it defended in the Discussions. And when the SSPX cries “God forbid !” to such a desertion, far from its voice being stifled, it is heard all over the world.
Certainly, “this is the appropriate moment”, certainly “the favourable time is come” for that solution to the agonizing problems of Church and world which the heavenly Mother has long been calling for, and which depends upon the Holy Father alone. This clear solution has long been known.
How could Heaven possibly have left the world in such distress as that of the last 100 years without providing a solution like that provided by the prophet Elias for the leprosy of the Syrian General Namaan ? Humanly speaking, the solution seemed ridiculous, but nobody could say that it was not possible. It required merely some faith and humility. The pagan General gathered together enough faith and trust in the man of God to do what Heaven asked for, and of course he was cured instantaneously.
Let the Holy Father but gather together enough faith and trust in the promise of the Heavenly Mother! Let him but seize this “appropriate moment” before utter madmen succeed in launching the Third World War in the Middle East! Let him, we beg of him, we entreat him, save Church and world by merely doing what the Heavenly Mother asked for. It is not impossible. She would overcome all obstacles in his way. Certainly he alone can now save us from unimaginable and unnecessary suffering.
And if he wishes for any support in prayer or action with which the humble SSPX could help him to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart in union with all the bishops of the world, whom the Heavenly Mother would rally, he knows that he could count first and foremost on the support of Bishop Fellay and the other three bishops of the SSPX, least among whom is
Your devoted servant in Christ,
+Richard Williamson.
21 March 2012
In an Open Letter of March 19, addressed to Bishop Fellay and to all priests of the SSPX, you appealed to us to accept the sincere and warm-hearted offer of reconciliation that Pope Benedict XVI is making to the SSPX for the healing of the long-standing rift between Rome and the SSPX. Let one of the SSPX bishops take upon himself to give you what he thinks might have been the answer of that “great churchman”, Archbishop Lefebvre.
Your letter begins with an appeal for “every sacrifice in the name of unity”. But there can be no true Catholic unity that is not grounded in the true Catholic Faith. The great Archbishop made every sacrifice for unity in the true doctrine of the Faith. Alas, the Doctrinal Discussions of 2009-2011 proved that the doctrinal rift between the Rome of Vatican II and the SSPX is as wide as ever. But Faith sacrificed for unity would be a faithless unity.
Of course the Church is an institution both divine and human. Of course the divine element cannot fail, so of course the Church cannot ultimately fail, and the sun will rise again. But one may beg to differ when you say that the dawn is close at hand, because that true Faith which the SSPX upheld in the Discussions is not shining out from the Rome of Vatican II, where accordingly the SSPX could not be in safety. Nor could it bring light if itself it adopted the Conciliar darkness.
The sincerity of the Pope’s wish to welcome back the SSPX into “full ecclesial communion”, as shown in a series of gestures of real good will, is not in doubt, but “ a common profession of faith” between the SSPX and believers in Vatican II is not possible, unless the SSPX were to desert that Faith which it defended in the Discussions. And when the SSPX cries “God forbid !” to such a desertion, far from its voice being stifled, it is heard all over the world.
Certainly, “this is the appropriate moment”, certainly “the favourable time is come” for that solution to the agonizing problems of Church and world which the heavenly Mother has long been calling for, and which depends upon the Holy Father alone. This clear solution has long been known.
How could Heaven possibly have left the world in such distress as that of the last 100 years without providing a solution like that provided by the prophet Elias for the leprosy of the Syrian General Namaan ? Humanly speaking, the solution seemed ridiculous, but nobody could say that it was not possible. It required merely some faith and humility. The pagan General gathered together enough faith and trust in the man of God to do what Heaven asked for, and of course he was cured instantaneously.
Let the Holy Father but gather together enough faith and trust in the promise of the Heavenly Mother! Let him but seize this “appropriate moment” before utter madmen succeed in launching the Third World War in the Middle East! Let him, we beg of him, we entreat him, save Church and world by merely doing what the Heavenly Mother asked for. It is not impossible. She would overcome all obstacles in his way. Certainly he alone can now save us from unimaginable and unnecessary suffering.
And if he wishes for any support in prayer or action with which the humble SSPX could help him to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart in union with all the bishops of the world, whom the Heavenly Mother would rally, he knows that he could count first and foremost on the support of Bishop Fellay and the other three bishops of the SSPX, least among whom is
Your devoted servant in Christ,
+Richard Williamson.
© 2012 Richard N. Williamson. All Rights Reserved.
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